In Danger of Extinction – The World’s Last Tribes and the Organization Fighting to Save them


In a world full of violence, religious extremism, war and dangerous world politics, interest in the last remaining tribes and their uncertain survival is far from our hearts and our minds. Often portrayed as primitive, these tribal people have few advocates in the countries in which they live and far fewer in the global arena.

Thankfully, Survival, the global movement for tribal peoples’ rights, has stepped up as the only organization to champion tribal rights around the world. They “help them defend their lives, protect their lands and determine their own futures” by believing in their inherent rights as human beings, worth no less than any member of regular society.

To put it simply, the vast majority of us are oblivious to their plight and the tragedies that are befalling many of them. Here are some of the latest headlines from the news section of the Survival website:

Hundreds of Bushmen abused in Botswana – new report 9 October
Survival’s new report reveals hundreds of cases of beatings, arrests and abuses suffered by the Bushmen in Botswana.

Ayoreo Indians protest at government inaction over illegal deforestation – 26 September 2014Brazilian beef firm is destroying the last refuge of highly vulnerable uncontacted Indians.

Amazon Indian leaders shot dead by suspected illegal loggers – 9 September 2014
The leaders had received death threats from loggers, but no protection was offered by the state.

Survival reveals ‘five faces of genocide’ for UN Indigenous Day – 6 August 2014
To mark UN Indigenous Day on August 9, Survival reveals five tribal peoples who have been victims of genocide.

Violent attacks’ caused uncontacted Indians to emerge – 21 July 2014
Highly vulnerable uncontacted Indians said they were fleeing violent attacks in Peru

“Massacre” reported by uncontacted Indians as rare video emerges – 31 July 2014
Uncontacted Indians report shocking incidents of a massacre of their older relatives.

Too often in the history of humanity, those who are viewed as “lesser,” whether it be due to the color of their skin, race or religion, were victims of terrible acts by those who saw themselves as “superior.” Evil is easily perpetrated when the victims are viewed as no better than animals.

We can’t let stereotypes and our own ignorance hand those with bad intentions a free pass to do what they please. There are plenty of resources on the Survival website as well as active campaigns to provide people with a thorough education on the topic of tribes (as well as uncontacted tribes) and how they can get involved to help.

The tribes should be allowed the freedom of choice to decide independently what is best for them and their future.

For those of you who are skeptics, Survival answers the question, “Isn’t your cause doomed?!” Their cause is far from being ‘doomed’ and has seen success thanks to campaigning, intervention, education, and changing public opinion.

Below is a video of an uncontacted tribe in Brazil with an uncertain future, filmed from above using a zoom lens.


Featured Image Source: Wikipedia
Description Português: Índios isolados no estado brasileiro do Acre.
Author: Gleilson Miranda/Secretaria de Comunicação do Estado do Acre
Permission: This image was produced by Agência de Notícias do Acre
Their website states: “O conteúdo deste site é publicado sob uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 2.5. Brasil. A reprodução é livre, desde que citada a fonte e o autor.”


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